florbalová liga
06.06.2016 09:55:16

Team presentation to the Hummel Open Game will be in the OC Letmo (Nádražní 681/2a, 602 00 Brno), which is near from the main railway station, on the 4th floor in the restaurant TU Café

The presentation will be on the wednesday from 12:00 to 20:00 and on the thursday from 8:00 to 20:00.

At the presentation you'll get tournament's brochure with all necessary informations and you can also pay ID wristbands, accommodation and boarding.

Definite distribution to the schools and colleges is going to be published in a few days.

How to get to the OC Letmo?

Main Railway Station (Nádražní 418/1, 602 00 Brno)
You just walk away from the main building of the railway station and directly in front of you is the OC Letmo.

Student Agency (Benešova 603/2, 602 00 Brno)
After getting of the bus you look down back direction main station, after 300 meters walk you'll come to the OC Letmo.


Brno Central Bus Terminal Zvonařka (Zvonařka 411, 617 00 Brno)
We recommend you to go through the Vaňkovka gallery, then you get to the underpass under the railway station, in the end of the underpass there is escalator which leads to the OC Letmo.

Tento článek si četlo již: 669 čtenářů
autor: Michal Jilka




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