Billy Nilsson, double double Sweden champion, winner of Champions Cup and best shooter and forward of season 2014/2015 in Svenska Superligan. In this season he played in Zug and now he is on 10th annual of Hummel Open Game. In three games he scored three times and had six goal assist.
So hi Billy, your career is really impressive. Who or what brought you to the Hummel Open Game?
My team, I play with Zug right now and for they it is a third time to go here and they asked me if I want to start too and they always look forward here.
Have you heard about Hummel Open Game earlier or the first time from your teammates?
Yeah exactly, it was first time from my teammates. They asked me if I want to join them because they have one spot so yes, I couldn’t say no.
What do you know about Hummel Open Game?
This is my first time, I know here are a lot of teams, different quality in the teams and it’s a tournament for everybody is it?
Yeah it is. You just played really tough match against Richmond. How did you see this match?
It’s like you said. It was tough game, we had some lucky shots there and let’s meet them again.
Do you know what teams or players can you meet on the tournament? Or who is your biggest rival?
That’s hard question because all information I have from my teammates so I have to say Richmond.
What is your personal goal here?
I wanna win, that’s everything. I don’t really have any personal goals actually. My team hasn’t win this tournament yet so, I just wanna win.
And last question is directly from tournament director Dan Koubek. What should team Hattrick Brno do to brings you to play for this team?
I don’t know, we’ll see in the future what they can do (he's laughing).